
GHOSTS & ZEITGEIST 'The Past in the Present'

'On her return that evening I had forgotten just how much i had missed her  - she was a mirror to all of the strangeness in life - from the top to the bottom  ... the up and the down - 

Hers was a life so full of flavor and so beautifully spent. She wasted so little of it' 
( Copyrighted Image & quoted text from short story collection 'The beauty factory' by markmanning 2009

Research brief:
The Past in the Present  ( special collections )

Tutor; Mack Manning 
Research Task assignment

Research brief:
Question:  Contemplate how artefacts can hold emotion or intrigue ? Muse on these questions when you handle your object.

T. S. Eliot said; ''We shall not cease from exploration - And the end of all our exploring - Will be to arrive where we started - And know the place for the first time.'' 
4 Quartets 

Select one item or a set of items from the Special Collections visit & talk from Jayne on Tuesday  - choose something that RESONATES with you and has a a potential story ?

TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS & if you wish MAKE notations & DRAWINGS -  ( Purchase on ebay a similar object for you to keep and work from )
Try to choose an object with the potential for deep research 
Research the CONTEXT and possible narrative of this object - related stories

By Context we mean this ....
The Social & Historical context - what was the sense of place like then and what space did this object inhabit ? EVIDENCE THIS - current trends and breakthroughs, Writers, Poets, Genres etc ' The Zeitgeist of the time - The Spirit of the Age ?
Is there a Personal history ? Use, Owner, Story - lifespan ?
Aesthetic - and design - evaluate it - it what does this say of the object ?

The connotations of the objects LOOK and its design - form. colour, pattern, symbolism - emotion or Utility
Can you imagine a personal narrative for this object - A PLACE . A domestic space , a HOME  and what of its owner ? or its SENSE OF PLACE in time ?

Research the STONE TAPE theory ?  ( see BBC film DVD 1960s ' The Stone Tapes' )
and read for artistic inspiration the following article 

Research the Social and Anthropological context of your object and its 'Era' and its ZEITGEIST and evidence this on your BLOG by considering and contemplating the above ideas - use images to support

Consider GHOSTS - read Rachel Whitereads work on edifying lost space ( also Boltanski, Hiller and Cornelia Parkers work)
We encourage an amalgam of analysis and of possible optional Creative writing - objective research and Personal 'Subjective' artistic research are all encouraged - be responsive. 
EXPLORE and Research your object and its USE - its History and ITS PLACE - socially and Historically.It is not required that you make practical work but do TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS & MAKE DRAWINGS if you wish to supplement your blog findings

The photographic image above is a Close friend to me. I own the photograph and took it in 1877 in Yorkshire.

''Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousand of miles and all the years you have lived.'' Helen Keller

Consider the life of the inspirational Helen Keller,American author, political activist and lecturer, both Deaf and Blind - read her book and perceptions of the world and of objects and nature - all via touch

''Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how Keller’s teacher, Annie Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become known worldwide through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker. Sullivan taught Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with d-o-l-l for the doll that she had brought her as a present. A prolific author, Keller was well traveled and was outspoken in her opposition to war. She campaigned for women’s suffrage, workers’ rights, and socialism, as well as many other progressive causes. 

Helen Keller was born in this small cottage on the Keller family's Ivy Green plantation.  Located in Tuscumbia, Alabama, it is also the place where Helen lived with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, after Miss Sullivan first arrived at Ivy Green.

Whiteread "Untitled (House) 1993", a concrete cast of the interior of a nineteenth century house in East London 
Also see GHOST at National Gallery click this link http://www.nga.gov/fcgi-bin/tinfo_f?object=128234.0&detail=none

and also re look at my added article on Paranormal STONE TAPE Theory here for creative thought


Ben Shahn & Timorous Beasties

Some more drawing to aspire to - by the great Ben Shahn: Tutorials Tuesday as planned on moodle for Lev 4/1 with Mark B ( Mack in PM for tutorials for Lev 4/2 and 1 but by sign up email ) Your Drawing is still key to this assessment - your 3d ideas are experimental and a finalized 'idea' visualized ( not made ) is requited for hand in assessment and a maquette where appropriate. Show us material and samples if it is to be a textile piece or dress or similar BUT your drawings will be key to evidencing your process and also your final designs - PRINTING an image onto material is acceptable as a 3d piece. But your drawings again are key here to the success of this so KEEP DRAWING ! A full 'Portfolio of drawing is to be handed in for this unit - and will be graded on quantity, quality and bravery - experiments and mistakes.

Design museum profile and write up here  http://designmuseum.org/design/timorous-beasties


Watch the film above. Paul ( with beard ) will be coming in soon hopefully for a guest lecture -  they are an Internationally respected duo so be great to have them guest if we can get them -  shop in Glasgow and London look on site and research their ethos and work

website here also http://www.timorousbeasties.com/products/Showrooms/

Look at the lovely Carolyn Gowdy work here  - drawings and prints
no copying mind magpies ! as Carolyn is part of my Magic Theatre collective and I'm protective !
we are showing in Norwich next - work is for sale via gallery and Carolyn



Magic Cabinets

Show now up and ready to visit - come in Monday or Tuesday and see Cabinets also 

For your first evaluative written task - do as discussed - or why not evaluate the Drawn line and small magic theatre shows in the Holden Gallery
Consider what it is emoting as a whole and the individual works and books etc 
write up 500 words to 1500 ( your choice ) for this first written task 

film book or show 

Practical Visual Language task 3 

Design an object that connotes the concepts of adornment and Celebration - evolve your ideas based on your drawing practice and design and make a first stage maquette - this should be 3d and scupltural in form using ANY material - we will discuss materials over the course of the remaining semester - you will make drawings working plans and a final set of 3d maquettes - experiment and choose to make abstract or representational objects ... Scarf ,Rug, Head , Jewellery, Paper sculpture, Textile, Cloth, Material, Metal, Stone, Soil, Sand, Clay ,Ceramic are all possible However your material should folow the magical ideas of your concepts and thoughts - to celebrate subvert or disturb - you choose - surprise us !
  Deadline end of term formative internal assessments mid December ( but mid crit in 2 weeks )

Look at:  Jean ARP, Joan Miro, Alexander Calder, Eva Hesse, Hepworth, Lucienne Day, Frink and  The Chapman brothers, Look at Rachel Whitreads WAX & RESIN pieces and Cornelia Parker 


Tuesdays Crit / Pin Up

CRIT Pin UP info;
see you Tuesday kick off is 11.30 - hang your work up however best and lunch at 1pm.
( here is a great insight for you in the meantime ) Mr Grayson Perry's Studio - an insight at www.TATE


TASK ONE Drawing the Object Drawing Perception

Frida Kahlo notebooks

Task 1: From Tuesday 27th to Tuesday 11th Oct Seminar 

A; HOME / The Domestic: Select an object ( 2d or 3d ) an object that suggests a memory or a time or sense of place - respond to this object with drawing in inks and charcoal and paint Chalk etc use black and white - maybe colour later after 20 or so studies  - make notes - improvise

B; MUSEUM / GALLERY OBJECT Select a Museum or Gallery Object or even an Antique shop object in a staged environment - NOT AT HOME but a setting and a context where the object is classified as 'special' and therefore is 'displayed' and on view. Draw the quality or history that draws you to the object / Image - ask what do you admire in this object, Its history and its story ? - imagine ? make notes

Draw several objects from the above or be specific. The AIM is that you EXPERIMENT and cultivate your Visual Language so do consider and experiment with a variety of marks and scales and paper sizes and paper surfaces as discussed this week - look to communicate feeling texture and meaning ? make notes, Prose etc 

Plan for next week: Tuesday 4th Oct SELF DIRECTED MUSEUM Drawing & OR Self directed in Studio drawing - dependent on what work you need to progress and what objects you have developed

Meet Up seminar groups at 12.00 -1pm  and another at 4..30 pm - 5pm  Cancelled

YOU CHOOSE YOUR GROUP TIME FOR PEER DISCUSSIONS and TUTORIAL INPUT with Mack 12-1pm or 2- 2.45pm         4.30 - 5.30 Now cancelled   

The DEADLINE for Task 1; is Tuesday 11th Oct 

PIN UP Critique in studio 10.30 to 1pm     ( and at 2pm new TASK 2 BRIEFING )

Barbara Hepworths influence 'CLICK' on image to ENLARGE & READ THIS page above 

Samuel Palmer age 16

Liz Frink above Eva Hesse Below

Good article here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-reviews/5948238/Eva-Hesse-her-dark-materials.html and get the Eva Hesse book I recommended on Tuesday
*RESEARCH HER WORK & ETHOS - see Amazon uk books for Eva Hesse book and see below

The images above are from Tom Phillips ongoing piece The Humument, a treated tranformed and drawn on old Victorian book 

READING material Susan Sontag


FEMALE Wanderlust & Dreams - sensitive and dreamlike

LINK Free of machismo ! see Reviews view 'inside here -  good for creative inspiration £3 pounds on Amazon